How to Write a Blog Post Outline in 1-minute Using AI

Write a Perfect Blog Post Outline

There’s no one formula for writing the perfect blog post, but there are some key ingredients that can help you cook up something your readers will love. And one of the most important ingredients is a good blog post outline.

Sure, you could just sit down and start writing, but taking the time to map out your post beforehand will save you time and energy in the long run. Not to mention, it will help you stay focused on the topic as you write.

But outlining a blog post can be tricky. How do you know where to start? How do you organize your thoughts and ideas into a cohesive outline? And What are the essential elements of a great blog post?

some people find it difficult to stay on track when outlining a blog post. They get sidetracked by their own thoughts and start to write the post itself instead of just creating an outline.

If you’re having trouble outlining your blog post, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. In this article, you will learn:

  • The Importance of Outlining
  • The Benefits of an Outline
  • Tips on How to Write a Blog Post Outline
  • Free Blog Post Outline Templates
  • How to Outline a Blog Post using AI
  • Examples of Perfect Blog Post Outlines Generated by Jasper AI

Let’s get started!

The Importance of Outlining

One of the biggest challenges of writing is getting started. It can be difficult to know where to begin, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the blank page. However, there are a few simple strategies that can help you get over writer’s block and start putting pen to paper.

The Importance of Outlining

Trying to write without an outline is like trying to build a house without a blueprint- it’s much harder than it needs to be. Once you have a roadmap for where you’re going, it will be much easier to start making progress.

First, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you can do this. Writing doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be done.

Second, make a plan. Trying to write without an outline is like trying to build a house without a blueprint- it’s much harder than it needs to be. Once you have a roadmap for where you’re going, it will be much easier to start making progress.

Finally, give yourself permission to write badly. It sounds counterintuitive, but the more you worry about making mistakes, the harder it is to actually get words on the page. So relax, and let the words flow. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to writing something great.

The Benefits of an Outline

Outline a blog post is simply a structure for your blog post. It includes all the essential elements of your post, such as the title, introduction, body, and conclusion.

The Benefits of an Outline

Creating an outline before you write your blog post has a few benefits:

1. Helps you organize your thoughts: When you have a lot of ideas for your blog post, it can be tough to organize them into a coherent structure. An outline can help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your blog post is well-organized.

2. Helps you write faster: Once you have a solid outline, writing your blog post will be much faster and easier. You’ll know exactly what to write and where to write it.

3. Helps you to craft a logical flow: A good blog post should have a logical flow to it. An outline can help you ensure that your blog post flows smoothly from beginning to end.

4. Helps you stay on track: It’s easy to get sidetracked when writing a blog post. With an outline, you can keep your focus on the task at hand and ensure that your blog post stays on track.

5. Ensures that your blog post is well-structured: A well-structured blog post is essential for a good user experience. By creating an outline, you can make sure that your blog post is properly structured and easy to read both for search engines and visitors.

6. Makes it easier to edit your blog post: Once you’ve written your blog post, you’ll need to edit it to ensure that it’s error-free. Having an outline can make this process easier and help you spot any errors that you may have missed.

Now that we’ve gone over the benefits of creating a blog post outline, let’s take a look at how to write one.

How to write a blog post outline

There are a few different ways to write a blog post outline. The method that you choose will depend on your preferences and the type of blog post that you’re writing.

Here’s how I outline posts and organize my thoughts for a cohesive, logical piece.

1. Start with a working title

Coming up with a working title for your blog post is an important step in the writing process. A working title is different from a final headline, but it should still be specific and easy to understand.

A great working title helps you focus on what you want to write about, and it can make the writing process easier overall. If you’re having trouble coming up with a working title, spend some time brainstorming potential topics and then narrowing those down to something specific.

You can also try looking at other blog posts for inspiration. Once you have a working title, you can start outlining your post and writing.

2. Write down your ideas

Write down your ideas

When you start writing your outline, don’t worry too much about making it perfect in this step. Just let your ideas flow naturally and write down whatever comes to mind.

If you get stuck, take a break and come back to it later. The important thing is to get your thoughts down on paper so that you can start organizing them into a cohesive structure.

3. Research and Analyze top-ranking articles

Before I start outlining my blog writing, I always do a bit of research to understand what readers are looking for.

This helps me make sure that the content I write goes with the intent of the target audience and is optimized for SEO. To perform this search, I simply look at the highest-ranking content on the first page of google.

Research and Analyze top-ranking articles

This initial research gives me a good idea of the kind of information readers are looking for. For example, I’m writing about creating a blog post outline, So I can see from the search results that readers want to learn how to create an outline step-by-step or they want to use a blog outline template.

This helps me to focus my article on giving readers the information they’re actually looking for. As a result, taking the time to understand search intent can really pay off in terms of engagement and organic reach.

It’s also a good idea to take note of any common patterns that you see in these articles. This can help you write a more effective outline for your own post.

3. Create a structure for your Blog post

Create a structure for your Blog post

Once you have all of your ideas down and analyze the other articles, it’s time to start creating a structure for your blog post. Begin by grouping similar ideas together and then arrange those groups in a logical order into sections.

Using a content structure as a guidepost can help ensure that you cover all the bullet points and hit all the SEO keywords and phrases that you need to include.

Your blog post formats don’t have to be complicated, but including headings and subheadings can help break up your content and make it easier to read.

Let’s take this blog post as an example again, the Reader’s Desired Result, is to write an effective blog post outline. So I’ve put together all the ideas for what an outline is, why it’s important, and how to write it. I arranged them in a logical order that would make sense to the reader. (I hope so)

So the sections might look like this:

– Introduction

– The Benefits of an Outline (H2)

– How to write a blog post outline (H2)

-Start with a working title (H3)

-Subheading two (H3)

– Conclusion

4. Fill in the holes

Fill in the holes

After you have a basic structure in place, it’s time to start filling in the holes. Begin by adding more detail to each section and including any supporting information that you need.

The body of your blog post is where you will expand on your ideas and provide evidence to support your claims. Each section of your outline should correspond to a section in the body of your article.

When writing the body, it’s important to keep things clear and concise. Use strong transitions to move from one point to the next, and make sure that each key point is supported by evidence.

If you’re including a lot of information, try to break it up with subheadings so that it’s easier to read.

If you’re having trouble coming up with content for a particular section, try doing some additional research or brainstorming with someone else. The important thing is to make sure that each section of your outline is fleshed out so that you have a clear idea of what you want to write about.

5. Write The introduction

Write The introduction

The introduction is one of the most important parts of any successful blog post. But It is better to delay writing it until you have finished the body of your article. Why? Because the introduction should introduce the topics you will be discussing in the article.

So it is easier to write it when you have a better understanding of what those topics are.

Your introduction should be attention-grabbing and give the reader a good idea of what they can expect from your article. To write a strong introduction, start with a hook that will grab the reader’s attention.

You can also try using a statistic or an interesting fact to engage the reader. Then, give a brief overview of what your article will be about and why it’s important. Finally, end your introduction with a clear statement of your main points.

7. Write the conclusion

Write the conclusion

The conclusion is your last chance to make an impression on the reader. This is where you will summarize your key points and leave the reader with something to think about.

To write a strong conclusion, start by restating your main argument or point. Then, briefly recap the evidence that you presented in the body of your article. Finally, end with a call to action or a statement that will encourage the reader to take further action.

6. Edit and revise

Edit and revise

After you’ve written your article, it’s important to go back and revise it. This is because no piece of writing is ever perfect, and there will always be room for improvement.

To revise your article, start by reading it aloud to catch any errors or awkward phrasing. Then, ask someone else to read it and give you feedback. Finally, go through and make any necessary changes to improve the quality of your article.

7. Publish your post

Once you’re happy with your article, it’s time to hit the publish button! But before you do, make sure to proofread one last time, and Don’t forget to add internal links and cite external sources. Then, choose an eye-catching title and insert relevant images to help your article stand out.

Free Blog Post Outline Templates

If you’re looking for a little help getting started, check out these free blog post outline templates provided by HubSpot. Just choose the one that best suits your needs and start filling it in with your own content.

  • The “How-To” Post
  • The List-Based Post
  • The “What Is” Post
  • The Pillar Page Post
  • The Newsjacking Post
  • The Infographic Post

→ Download Now: 6 Free Blog Post Outline Templates

There you have it! Now you know how to write a blog post outline step by step.

But what if I told you that you can shorten all the previous steps with just one click, this magic button Allows you to create a comprehensive outline for your article at the speed of light, Let me tell you how:

How to Outline a Blog Post Using AI

When it comes to writing a blog post outline AI has already made a significant impact. There are now a number of AI content writing tools that can help you write better outlines more quickly and easily.

By inputting a few seed sentences, these tools can automatically generate a blog post outline, persuasive introduction, helpful conclusion, body text, etc.

AI content writing tools can be a lifesaver for bloggers who are struggling to come up with new ideas or hit a creative wall.

This can be an extremely helpful way to jumpstart the outlining process and get the ball rolling on a new project. However, it’s important to note that depending on the quality of the tool, the results may vary widely in terms of quality and accuracy.

That’s why we are going to use Jasper, the Best AI-Based content generation tool that guarantees human-quality results.

Examples of Perfect Blog Post Outlines Generated By Jasper AI

Jasper is an AI content writing tool that enables you to write better blog outlines more quickly and easily. All you need to do is input your Blog post title/topic and Jasper will automatically generate a high-quality blog post outline for you.

Here are a few examples of blog post outlines that Jasper has generated:

The first example:

The first example below is the outline for a post about Facebook ad copywriting. Let’s see what Jasper can do:

create blog post outline

It is great, isn’t it?

In just a few clicks, you can have a well-researched, human-quality blog outline that is ready to be fleshed out and published.

The second example:

This time I want a complete outline for a post about “5 Tips for Solopreneurs to Make Money on Pinterest”.

create blog post outline

As you can see, Jasper is an extremely powerful AI content writing tool that can help you write better blog outlines Faster. So if you’re struggling to come up with new ideas, I highly recommend that you give Jasper a try.

The Last example:

Let’s try another niche, what crossed my mind is “how to clean the washing machine”.

create blog post outline

I’m sure you’re impressed by the quality of the blog outline that Jasper can generate for you.

If you want to give Jasper a try, you can use this link to get 10,000 words for free.

 After using Jasper, you will realize how much time you have been wasting trying to write a blog post outline by yourself.

Check out my full Jasper AI review for more information about this tool.

Content creation templates that are offered by jasper AI

When it comes to content creation, Jasper has you covered with over 50+ templates covering a wide range of topics and formats. Whether you need help writing an outline, a full blog post, or even a press release, Jasper has the perfect template to get the writing done quickly and efficiently.

Plus, all of their templates are 100% customizable, so you can add your own unique voice and style to every piece of content you create.

Here are some templates:


Outlines are an important part of the writing process, and they can help you write better blog posts. By using AI you’ll be able to save time on the entire process and get you to focus on other important tasks like keyword research. while the AI bot takes care of the rest.

So if you’re looking for a way to save time and improve your blogging process, give Jasper a try!

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Content Marketing is a skill that I have mastered. I love to share what I learned with others and help them succeed in their endeavors. .I am always on the lookout for new and interesting ways to share my knowledge and skills.