5 Powerful Tools to Write Blog Posts Faster? in Just 10-Minutes

How to Write Blog Posts Faster

Do you find yourself spending too much time writing blog posts? If so, it’s time to try some of these tools and tips to help you write blog posts faster.

The average blogger publishes just one post per week.

But if you want to grow your blog and make it a sustainable business, you need to publish more than that.

This article will discuss how you can write blog posts faster, so you can focus on other aspects of your business.

How long does it take to write a typical blog post?

It really depends on your unique situation. If you are a professional content writer, it might take less than an hour to write a long-form blog post. But if you are a novice, it might take more time and effort.

For example, if you have no idea about the niche or what to say in the blog post, it will take time for you to research and find information. After that, you need to find appropriate keywords and try to put together sentences that make sense. And finally, proofread your work before publishing it online.

The length of time needed for writing articles is different for everyone depending on their skill level and how well they know the topic they are writing about.

for me, It takes around 1-2 hours to write a blog post, but I’m not sure how long it takes other people because everyone works at different speeds.

The following tools will help you write your next blog post in one hour or less while also improving the quality of your content.

Tools to help you write blog posts faster

There are many tools that can help you write faster content. Some of these tools are AI writing software, which has been the most popular trend in recent years. This software takes your input and creates content for you.

1. Jasper AI

Jasper AI is an artificial intelligence writing assistant that can generate content for you in under 10 minutes. All you need to do is to provide a topic and Jasper will take care of all the rest.

It will write your blog post, create article ideas, create outlines, craft quality original content, and optimize it for search engines.

It’s one of the best ai tools for content writing without having to spend time researching or creating drafts.

Read my complete Jasper AI review for more information about this great tool, and how it can help you write long articles.

2. Hemingway App

Hemingway App is a free online tool that analyzes texts and highlights sentences that are hard to read. It also provides tips on how to improve the text’s readability, such as removing passive voice or adding more detail or context.

This app is a writing assistant for copywriters, who want to write in a more concise and clear way.

It highlights areas of the text that might cause confusion or detract from the meaning. The app also provides tips on how to improve the readability of your writing.

3. Canva

Canva is a graphic design tool that has been created to be easy to use. It can be used for all kinds of graphic design projects, from social media graphics to presentations and marketing materials.

The main advantage of Canva is that it is easy to use. It has a drag-and-drop interface which makes it possible for anyone with basic computer skills to create professional designs without having any experience in design software.

You can choose from thousands of templates and backgrounds, as well as fonts and colors that you like. you can also upload your own images if you want to create something unique or personalized.

This will make it easier to organize your blog post by creating quick designs to fill it in.

4. Keyword Surfer

Keyword Surfer, This Free tool is used for keyword research and competition analysis. It is one of the most popular tools for SEO purposes.

Content and Keyword Research Surfer SEO

It is an extension for Chrome that allows you to see keyword search volume and CPC directly on the SERP page. This is a free plugin provided by SurferSEO, an advanced SEO content optimization tool.

It allows you to take advantage of the Google search autocomplete feature to discover new search queries, Get content guidelines
and build your keyword list for your blog.

this will help you speed up your blog writing process and maximize your chances for high rankings.

5. Grammarly

Grammarly is a browser extension and an app that checks for grammar and spelling mistakes in the text. It also checks for contextual errors, such as whether a word is spelled correctly or if there are two words where there should be only one. It can also help with improving editing speed by suggesting the next word to type after the last word.

Grammarly is a useful tool when it comes to writing blog posts faster. bloggers can use Grammarly to check their work before they publish it on their blog, which helps them avoid publishing content that contains mistakes and typos.

7 Tips To Write Blog Posts Faster

I think anyone can increase their speed in creating content and writing articles by reading and applying the following steps. However, this improvement may be slight if your writing rate is fast, but if you are relatively slow, then you will notice a significant improvement.

I have listed these steps in order of importance, and the more you take one of these steps, you will find your speed increases and you will become a professional and fast writer. Moreover, applying these steps in full should yield great immediate results.

1. Write the headline after you finish writing the article.

I don’t agree with bloggers who prefer to write headlines first, because that would take a lot of time. The thing that we must really know before we start writing is the main objective of the article and draft a rough header. so it is better to complete the article to the end before thinking about writing the title.

In fact, the secret behind my suggestion for this matter is that once you finish writing the blog post, you will be in a position to select the most appropriate title. The most appropriate idea for the article’s title may come to your mind while you are writing, and not before.

Pro tip: Headlines are one of the hardest parts of content writing, But You can save time by Letting Jasper write perfect headlines for you in just seconds!

2. Write with little regard for the fine details and edit later

One of the best pieces of advice that writer Ernest Hemingway gave to those who want to make a living from writing, saying is, “Write drunk, edit sober.”

Whilst editing, checking, and adjusting details as you type can be tempting, nothing could be less efficient. Instead, you have to Write with little regard for the fine details, just get your thoughts on paper, and then go back and edit once you’re finished. Dividing the typing stage into two separate parts like this will lead to a noticeable improvement in your speed.

3. Challenge yourself

Since we all have the ability to be competitive and challenging, especially when it comes to overcoming ourselves, you should set a specific time to finish the blog post you are working on, and try to beat that time. You will be surprised at the amazing results that you will get with this process.

Be realistic when setting your goals, as your focus should be on efficiency and speed together. If you focus only on speed, you may produce undesirable results. If the article you’re working on becomes too large, don’t blame yourself for not finishing it within the allotted time. The goal of this process is to motivate you, not discourage you.

Over time, you will be able to determine how much time you need to write articles of different lengths and types, then create a more efficient schedule.

4. Create a content calendar

Having a content calendar can help you plan your content for the future and save time blogging.

The first step to creating a content calendar is to define what you want to blog about. This is usually done by writing down ideas on paper or through brainstorming sessions with other team members.

Even if you find it difficult to come up with article ideas, it would be better to do this process in one go instead of preparing it scattered, for example, dedicating 15 minutes to brainstorming and coming up with multiple ideas for your future articles before writing. It will achieve much greater productivity than thinking about an idea for one blog post topic and writing an article about it.

Next, create an editorial schedule that will determine when you will publish your posts and how often. You can also use this time to plan for guest posts and other content that will be published outside of your site.

Lastly, write down all of the tasks that are needed in order to publish the post such as editing or scheduling social media posts.

Personally, I would recommend using a tool like Evernote, as it helps you create and bring new ideas. The type of tool you use is not important as long as you have the ability to write and collect ideas from anywhere. (Notepad is a useful tool when you don’t need a technical or inexpensive alternative.)

5. Generate a Blog post outline

A blog post outline is a great way to organize your thoughts. It can help you better understand the topic at hand and plan out what you want to say.

This section will cover how to create a blog post outline more efficiently.

Brainstorming: This is where you think of ideas for your blog post on the topic at hand. Write down as many ideas as possible on a piece of paper or in a word document, or both! You will likely have some good ideas that are worth exploring further and some that are not so much.

For example, if I were writing about “How to have a successful blog post,” I might brainstorm some ideas like:” How to use research experts”, “How to do keyword research”, and “How to make my blog post popular and shareable with social media influencers”.

When you get to this stage of the process, you will have a good idea of what your blog post will look like and how it will flow.

Article Outline Generator using Ai: 

If you’re looking for a way to save time, try a Free AI Article Outline Generator by Surfer SEO. They can be really useful in saving you heaps of time!

Generate a Blog post outline

The idea behind this tool is that it generates an outline of your blog post fast and then gives you some ideas on how to fill in the content.

The process is simple: you just input the keyword that you want the article to be about and the generator will provide you with an outline that includes all of the necessary parts of a good article.

This is not only helpful if you’re short on time, but also if you’re looking for an introduction to a given topic. The outlines are written in such a way that they are easy to follow and understand.

Pro Tip: You can benefit from the integration of Surfer SEO + Jasper To Write Content fast That Ranks On Google Page 1

6. Write the intro paragraph fast

The introduction is often the most important part of a written piece because it determines if your reader will continue reading.

But Spending the first-hour editing one sentence won’t leave you much energy left over to work on the rest of the sentences.

With Jasper, you can forget about all of that and start writing!

Write the intro paragraph fast

Jasper generates introductions for blog posts and more. Simply enter a topic into the generator and Jasper will provide an introduction based on your input.

6. Improving Your Typing Speed & Accuracy

The average user can type at a speed of 30-50 words per minute (wpm). Whilst The average professional typist can type at a speed of 80-100 (wpm). Typing speed is measured in words per minute (wpm), which is the number of words typed divided by the number of minutes of typing.

The best way to check your typing skills is to take a typing test. You can find an online typing test from a variety of sites, or you can use this one from here.

The faster you type, the more efficiently you are able to write content and finish your work faster. In order to improve your typing skills, you should practice typing on a regular basis and learn from your mistakes. Those who practice more often will see faster improvements in their typing skills than those who don’t.

7. Practice will make you better

The more articles you write, the faster your writing speed and the better it gets. Practice makes perfect.

In this article, we have discussed some of the best tips to help you write faster. These tips are not only for beginners but also for experienced writers. These tips can be used by anyone who wants to write better and faster.

So, now that you know some of the ways to write blog posts fast, it’s time to put them into practice. Start by trying out one of the Best AI writing software (Jasper) and see how will work for you.

With a little bit of practice, you should be able to easily shave hours off your writing time – and have more free time to focus on other aspects of your business. What are you waiting for? Try jasper today!

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Content Marketing is a skill that I have mastered. I love to share what I learned with others and help them succeed in their endeavors. .I am always on the lookout for new and interesting ways to share my knowledge and skills.